
Show your Messages in the awesome way :)

Project maintained by aka-jain Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


MessageUp.js is a 1 KB Javascript file based on Jquery which is used to display messages one by one at the same place, like for a loading screen.

How To use MessageUp.js

It is very easy to install, just copy and paste the messageup-min.js in your js root folder and then initialize its path in your html file. It's better to initialize it in head tag.

 <script src="path/to/messageUp.min.js"></script>
Dependency : It depends on jquery. So initialize jquery before messageUp.js

General Notes

The messageup element is now accessible outside of the callback API via the jQuery.messageup() method. Example use:


Note: element can be id or class or any html tag

Default options

msg: ["Hi!", "I'm Messageup.js", "Use me to...", "display your text", " change your text", "do cool things", ":)"],
color: ["#E53935", "#5E35B1", "#009688", "#AFB42B", "#37474F", "#EF6C00", "#558B2F"],
time : 1500,
speed : "slow", 
interation : "repeat"

Add your options

msg : ["Message 1", "Message 2", "Message 3", "Message 4", "Message 5" ],
color : ["red", "green", "yellow", "green", "blue"], 
time : 1500, 
speed : "slow",
iteration : "no-repeat"


for a div tag having class named "message-box"

<div class="message-box"></div>

you can initialize it like this

 msg : ["Hi", "This", "is", "custom", "message"],
    color : ["#E53935", "#5E35B1", "#009688" , "#EF6C00", "#37474F"],
    time : 1000,
    speed : "fast",
    iteration : "repeat"

Run this script in your browser... Enjoy Cheers !! Made with ❤️ while listening 🎵